Elo Viz: A tool to create players, simulate matches, and rank players using Elo ratings


Inspired by Chatbot Arena, and Chess, I wanted to create my own python package for Elo ratings.

What is Elo-Viz?

Elo python package to simulate matches between players, and compare their elo ratings after each match, and visualize them. You can use it to simulate rankings of Chess players.

Published to Python Package Index (PyPI)! https://pypi.org/project/elo-viz/

import uuid
from elo_viz import Match, Player

magnus_carlsen = Player(id=uuid.uuid4().hex, name='Magnus Carlsen', rating=2833)

m1 = Match(match_id=uuid.uuid4().hex, player1=magnus_carlsen, player2=gukesh_d)



Player: Magnus Carlsen Rating: 2883.0 Win %: 100.0


Install using pip:

$ pip install elo-viz

or with Poetry:

$ poetry add elo-viz


Create Players

import uuid
from elo_viz import Match, Player

magnus_carlsen = Player(id=uuid.uuid4().hex, name='Magnus Carlsen', rating=2833)
hou_yifan = Player(id=uuid.uuid4().hex, name='Hou Yifan', rating=2633)
gukesh_d = Player(id=uuid.uuid4().hex, name='Gukesh Dommaraju', rating=2777)
divya_d = Player(id=uuid.uuid4().hex, name='Divya Deshmukh', rating=2490)

Setup Matches

m1 = Match(match_id=uuid.uuid4().hex, player1=magnus_carlsen, player2=gukesh_d)

Check results



Player: Magnus Carlsen Rating: Rating: 2883.0 Win %: 100.0


  • Python >= 3.13

The version of the base environment I had installed poetry in.

Will update this so that any Python 3 version will work.

Future plans

The package is fully functional for basic elo rating calculations.

However, it is in the planning phase, and I plan to add many more features over time.

The plan is to allow the user to easily create simulations, and display rankings.

Eventually, I'll use Seaborn to visualize elo rating histories, rankings, and more.

Tools used



Package and environment management.

GitHub Actions


CI/CD to publish your package to PyPI whenever a certain event occurs.

In my case, I chose that event to be whenever I decide to create a release.

References and Further Reading

  1. Elo rating basics https://www.omnicalculator.com/sports/elo#how-to-find-elo-rating-change
  2. John Franey's excellent blog post on how to setup your package for publishing to PyPI https://johnfraney.ca/blog/how-to-publish-a-python-package-with-poetry-and-github-actions/
  3. LMArena https://lmarena.ai/?leaderboard
  4. PyPI https://pypi.org/
  5. PyPI Classifiers (to properly categorize your package) https://pypi.org/classifiers/